Song of the Week

Fresh Back Friday

With demonstrations still taking place across the country over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, the Los Angeles Police Department releases the autopsy report in the officer- involved shooting of Ezell Ford back in August. The L.A. times reports that new autopsy results indicate that Ford was shot three times, with individual bullets entering him on his right side, his left arm and his back. The last had a “muzzle imprint,” suggesting the gun was fired at a very close range. 

Even if the LAPD does come to the conclusion that Ford’s death was the department’s fault, officers are rarely indicted for on-the-job misconduct. In the meantime, protests over the autopsy results are taking action in LA.

It blows my mind how large the racial divide is in our country even after years of pledging that our country is “indivisible, with justice and liberty to all”. A new year is upon us, and I pray that things get better and not only do we speak of the truth but live by it. The way I see it is that the only way to get love is to give love, but things are never that simple. The song I would like to present for the first official Fresh Back Friday is a song you probably all know by heart, "Where is the Love?" by The Black Eyed Peas. Let’s keep this year in high spirits and full of love.

Love Always,